2019 arc Hero: Elleana Tate

Elleana Tate began working for arc in 2011. She has worked at a number of our stores: the East Colfax location, the store on South Broadway, and now at the Littleton store. Elleana’s visual impairment hasn’t stopped her one bit. The bright lights of the Littleton store make it easy for her to do her job ragging out clothes in the children’s department. But, she’s also relied upon a great deal by her team; she greets customers with her sunny smile and warm personality every day, and she’s always busy working on the sales floor and assisting in the accessories department.

Elleana is a friend to all: her supervisors, her buddy, and her peers. She makes a special effort to learn everyone’s birthdays, their children’s names, and even their hobbies. She attends Arc University and many of the social events, most especially the dances where she loves to dress up and cut loose to any song by Christina Aguilera. She loves her church family and the gospel music they sing. She is also quite the artist and is hardly ever without her sketchpad. It is through her watercolor drawings that this creative soul is able to express herself.

2019 arc Hero: Mark Yoakum

Mark has been with arc for over six years, and since that very first day, the Parker Landing store where he works has gleamed like a bright new penny! He loves to keep things neat and tidy, and nothing makes this 27-year-old happier than being useful. When he isn’t assisting in the B&B department, you will find him with a broom and dustpan, straightening out the aisles. His favorite task is to bring in donations and to hang new clothing items and then take the unused hangers back to production.

Mark loves attending Arc University. He enjoys bowling with his friends, music and dancing, and participating in many sports. Although he is not very verbal, he communicates brilliantly with his bright smile and joyful personality. In turn, arc has given this hard-working young man a purpose and a sense of independence that his parents say have changed his life for the better.

2019 arc Hero: Elnaz Sobhi

Elnaz has been working for arc since 2015. The Centennial store’s sales floor is a well-managed place thanks to her efficient approach to running the clothing racks and her cheerful personality. Elnaz is very active in the Arc Ambassador programs, where she has made countless friends. She is also the secretary for the arc Ambassador Civitan International volunteer group, another area where her steadfast commitment and enthusiasm come in quite handy!

Elnaz is one of our first Ambassadors to be admitted as a student to Arapahoe Community College, via a program supported by IN! – Colorado Initiative for Inclusive Higher Education. She loves campus life, but it’s the family she’s created at arc that has encouraged her to spread her wings and that brings her the most happiness!